Friday, June 6, 2014

12. A Healthy Dinner

My girlfriend is one lucky girl! As an extra credit opportunity, I get to cook her a healthy meal and show it here on blogspot. So, I decided to make her:

1. Organic turkey burgers

2. Fresh Caprese Salad

We stopped by Trader Joe's to get some fresh ground turkey and sesame seed buns. 

I then seasoned the turkey with a little bit of salt, pepper and garlic powder to taste. I used Goya olive oil for the pan before I put the meat in. 

I made sure the turkey was Cooked well done before I added one slice of cheese to top it off. As soon as the cheese began to melt, it was time to place on the bun and serve! 

 She loved it!

2. Fresh Caprese Salad

I went by my local market to purchase some fresh basil and tomatoes. I also purchased part skim mozzerella from key food.
Made sure it was washed thoroughly. Then I began prepping the mozzerella and basil and patterned in while plating in a tomato, basil, mozzerella, basil, etc.. 
Drizzled Goya olive oil, then added salt and pepper to taste! Not bad for my first time.

Thanks for reading! 

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