Monday, March 10, 2014

2. The Meaning Of Food In My Life

     As far as I can remember, food has always been a major part of my life. When my family would get together for a reunion In the Philippines, you would think we were cooking for a whole village. Cookies and chocolates for the children, sodas never running out, and after the feast had finished, we'd have so many leftovers, we'd have to borrow a neighbor's fridge.We never ran out of food in my house which may explain why I was obese In my younger years. My health got so bad, I had high blood pressure when I was 15.
      Now I try to watch what  I eat since I don't have the luxury of comfort food on a daily basis. I've been working in a restaurant since I was 16 and what I can take from that Is there's a reason the food Is so good. Because It's usually not good for you. I've gained weight while working in the industry while eating the food out of convenience. I've also lost weight by eating food I would cook outside of the restuarant and bringing it to work.
      When I shop for groceries, I usually wander the aisles debating what Items I need for the day and not to buy too much as It usually goes to waste. For example, today I ended up buying hamburger meat for pasta, some cheese, and fruit juice. While debating, money always comes to play and I end up minimizing my list to what I need for the day. Some days I miss living with my parents, because they would always load up food from Costco and never run out of anything. It's funny how we take the little things for granted.
     I'm very grateful for the food industry as It has helped me financially as well as making wiser discisions in what I eat. Ever since the company I work for has come out with calorie counts for each Item on our menu, I've been able to watch what I put in myself as well as curb my cravings for food I never used to think twice about. I'm very fortunate to be around food for a major part of my life for It has taught me to take better care of myself. I see how food Is cooked, the effects It has on my body, and what I can do to make better food descisions for myself In the future.


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